Government Relations Update — Help Support Crucial Gate Safety Legislation

The New York/Long Island Chapter of the American Fence Association, and specifically the New York Pool Code Working Group, have been working for several months to create better code language regarding the installation of pool latches in the State of New York.  This is because the current Residential Code in New York does not reflect our ASTM standard, leading to many issues for our AFA members in the area and allowing for potential life safety problems as well.

In the fall of last year, they presented their concerns to the New York State Code Council. The Code Council informed the group that a legislative change would be necessary to correct this particular issue. Chapter member, John Hewson, contacted his state senator, in Lancaster, New York, Senator Gallivan.  He visited John’s business, City Fence Inc., to learn about the issue and have conversations with the working group. These efforts were highlighted in the January/February 2024 issue of Fencepost magazine.

In January, Senator Gallivan introduced S7731 on behalf of the New York/ Long Island Chapter.  We are very grateful for his support. S7731 would amend the NY Residential Code in a way that would agree with both ASTM and IPSC standards. The legislation is currently making its way through the New York State Legislature where it currently sits in the Senate Housing, Construction and Community Development Committee. 

You can help us in these efforts by scanning the QR code below to express your support for the passage of this legislation. You do not have to be a New York resident to vote in this poll.  By selecting, “Aye” you will let the statehouse know that this legislation is important to the fence industry. Thank you.