A Message from FEWA President Mitch Cohen: Welcome DPS!

Happy 2023 to everyone!

I am happy to send this letter to all members regarding an exciting new chapter for the Forensic Expert Witness Association (FEWA).

We have completed the transition to our new management company DPS AMC.  DPS AMC is an Association Management Company, their team of can help, solve challenging problems, support strategic initiatives, and produce better outcomes in addition to helping FEWA reduce/manage costs, lower risks, improve efficiencies. Their model allows for great efficiencies by staffing with experts in their field

They are located at 222 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 1870 Chicago, IL 60606.  Our new Executive Director is Tracy Schorle, and our Association Manager is Edwin Robles, erobles@forensic.org. The new FEWA phone number is (312) 273-9844 and our main email continues to be info@forensic.org.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the search committee of Joe Quilici, John Levitske and John McReynolds for their efforts on behalf of FEWA to make sure we are working with an organization who not only understand the work of FEWA but also the importance of our responsiveness to our members and the continued growth of the organization and its offerings to all the members and the Expert Witness community.

The last several years have presented many challenges to FEWA, our members and the community as a whole.  I believe, with the help of our Executive Committee and National Board, we have been able to weather these challenges and have also been able to have a better understanding of how to better serve the expert witness community.

We continue to grow our educational offerings as well as improve our abilities to stay in contact with the members and keep everyone up to date as challenges occur in the industry.

Mitch Cohen
National President
Forensic Expert Witness Association