The Bulletin Board

SASBO Expert Exchange

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What is the Expert Exchange (EE)?

In continuing SASBO’s goal to improve education through the support and professional development of business personnel, we have created the Expert Exchange. The Expert Exchange consists of monthly online seminars that will allow you to not only listen and watch, but also ask questions of the presenters and other SASBO members.

What is the cost?

Sessions are offered at a flat fee of $200 for SASBO members for all nine sessions. Just need a few hours? SASBO members may purchase one (1) recorded session for $49 or select three (3) for $99.

What if I can’t make it for a session?

No problem, as we know the unavoidable situations occur. If you are not able to participate on the date of the webcast, you will receive an email to view the recorded session when your schedule permits.


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