Oracle Cloud ERP for K-12

Financial tools have evolved as demands on education leaders intensify and school administration becomes more complex. The progression has been steady from paper-based processes to computer spreadsheets, accounting software, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. The private sector has been using ERP for decades to improve efficiency and decision-making. But many schools have a legacy on-premise system that requires substantial customization. New features and functionality are infrequent, and updates are labor intensive for school IT staff. These systems also don’t offer anytime, anywhere, or any-device access. The next step in the evolution of financial tools is a cloud-based ERP System. In contrast to on-premise ERP solutions that are installed locally on hardware and servers and managed by IT staff, cloud ERP is delivered as a service, managed centrally in the cloud by the ERP vendor, and accessed via a web browser. Please reach out to your local rep Josh Chambers at  or (571) 315-7025 to learn more about Oracle ERP Cloud for K-12!