The Bulletin Board
Member News

For more than 52 years, FASBO has been uniting school business leaders to help you hone your skills, advance your career and build your network.  Meet face to face with your colleagues and friends, connect with their knowledge and expertise, and start sending your own positive shifts throughout school business today!

Click here for the FASBO Scholarship Application

FASBO is always looking for stories to help fill our bi-annual magazine, Florida School Business. You're the experts of your field – and we would like you to share new innovative solutions and ideas with your peers. We are seeking submissions for feature material in the following fields: Auditing; Business Management; Environmental/Energy; Facilities Planning and Operations; Finance, Fixed Assets/Property Control; Food and Nutrition Service; Human Resources; Information Technology; Maintenance; Purchasing; Risk Management; Safety and Transportation. 

How 1,200+ School Districts Ditched Stress
By moving payments online with Vanco’s RevTrak Web Store, 1,200 school districts and counting have saved their staff hours of stressful paperwork. These schools spend less time assisting parents with payments, can easily collect any student fee around the clock, and they’ve cut the reconciliation process to less than 10 minutes. See how you and your team can ditch school payment stress for good.   
Schedule Your Demo!
Conference News
Mark your calendars for the FASBO & FRMA Joint Conference, October 13-16, 2020 at the DoubleTree at SeaWorld in Orlando!  Rates starting at $119, with no parking or resort fees. 

Conference registration is now open.  Go to

Registration is $200.

Sponsor-Exhibitor registration is now open.  For more information, click here
Bencor Inc.
Continuing Education

Professional Certification Program 

School business is a very complex and demanding profession requiring a special set of knowledge, skills, and abilities.  It is incumbent upon us to ensure that those who follow us have the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities. To that end, the Board of Directors of the Florida Association of School Business Officials (FASBO) has embarked on the creation of a Professional Certification Program.

Although Florida is the fourth largest state in the nation, it is one of nineteen states with no certification or credentialing requirements. The Florida School Finance Council has recognized this emerging issue.  It is the feeling of the Council that certification or credentialing will benefit individual school districts and the statewide education system as it will address recruitment and retention issues, cultivate talent internally, encourage best practices, and build a cadre of professional school business leaders and staff members. As technology advances, an increased need for training at the clerical and paraprofessional is also becoming more apparent.

Recognizing the importance of attaining professionalism for school business officials, not only with regard to acquired knowledge and experience, but also in terms of the recognition and respect of peers and other professionals, FASBO’s Board of Directors established its Professional Certification Program in 2009.

The Program offers both acknowledgment and recognition for professionals at all levels of school business management. Certification is a way of recognizing those individuals with the background, training, and on-the-job experience to meet recognized standards of professional competence.

Reduce operating expenses—and purchasing headaches—with Daimler Truck Financial
Matthews Bus Alliance, Inc.
Matthews Bus Alliance partners with Daimler Truck Financial, Thomas Built Buses Captive Financial Company, to offer flexible, customized financing designed for Florida County School Districts which can help reduce the average age of your fleet and deliver real savings on fuel and maintenance costs. The BEST NEWS is, this special financing is not considered DEBT!
Click here for more information:
NGS Films and Graphics
Naylor Association Solutions
Industry News & Trends
Black and female assistant principals are less likely than their white and male counterparts to be promoted to principal. And when they are, it takes longer, according to a study published this week. (EDUCATION DIVE)
Edutopia spoke with more than 100 teachers and students about the common issues they faced and crowdsourced teachers’ solutions to help ease the transition into blended learning this fall. Lessons learned from problems during remote learning can help inform teaching and learning this fall. (Edutopia)
Students in many parts of the country returned to sports activities this week, including Duval County Public Schools, the nation's 20th largest school district. Safety measures wil include: limiting the size of groups, temperature checks and keeping locker rooms closed. (District Administration)