The Bulletin Board
Member News
FASBO would like to offer a sincere thank you to our attendees, sponsors, speakers, and partners!  We made the most awesome “Agents of Change”.
A special thank you to all our sponsors for paving the road to a successful conference.


This could not have been a successful conference without your support.  Without you, FASBO would not be able to offer the incredible opportunity to learn, network and earn professional development.  We look forward to working and partnering with you in 2022.
FASBO Officers and Directors
President – Dawn Meyers, Pinellas County Schools
Vice President – Cindy Stevens – Osceola County Schools
Past President – Mike Hewett – Pinellas County Schools
Director at Large – Jeff Robison – Hillsborough County Schools
Treasurer – Jim Drake – Retired CFO

Accounting - Cindy Norton – Santa Rosa County Schools
Finance – Franca Courchene – Pinellas County Schools
H/R Payroll - Vacant
Operations - Mark Fox – Pasco County Schools
Purchasing – Robert Waremburg – Orange County Schools
IT – Vacant
Certification - Becky Gideon – Marion County Schools
SASBO Rep – Suanne Lee – Monroe County Schools
Emerging Leader – LaTresa Carlisle – Escambia County Schools
Naylor Rep – Sid Tally
Vendor Rep – Tracey Gallentine – McKim & Creed
Executive Director – Robin Hukill

If you are interested in one of our vacant director positions, please contact an officer at
Florida Buy State Cooperative Purchasing
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Florida Buy State Cooperative Purchasing assists school districts and other eligible users with a legally compliant purchasing solution. As Florida’s only educational purchasing cooperative, Florida Buy has statutory authority and a national connection with the Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA) to leverage the purchasing power of a national cooperative.
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Conference News

Congratulations to Jon Thrush, Manager Surplus for Santa Rosa County Schools. 

Thrush was honored at the annual conference as FASBO's 2021 Outstanding Business Official. 

PICTURED FROM LEFT: Mike Hewett, President FASBO, Les Vaughn, and Jon Thrush.


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Continuing Education
School business is a very complex and demanding profession requiring a special set of knowledge, skills, and abilities. It is incumbent upon us to ensure that those that follow us have the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities. To that end, the Board of Directors of the Florida Association of School Business Officials (FASBO) has embarked on the creation of a Professional Certification Program.

Although Florida is the fourth largest state in the nation, it is one of nineteen states with no certification or credentialing requirements. The Florida School Finance Council has recognized this emerging issue. It is the feeling of the Council that certification or credentialing will benefit individual school districts and the statewide education system as it will address recruitment and retention issues, cultivate talent internally, encourage best practices, and build a cadre of professional school business leaders and staff members. As technology advances an increased need for training at the clerical and paraprofessional is also becoming more apparent.

Recognizing the importance of attaining professionalism for school business officials, not only with regard to acquired knowledge and experience, but also in terms of the recognition and respect of peers and other professionals, FASBO’s Board of Directors established its Professional Certification Program in 2009.

The Program offers both acknowledgment and recognition for professionals at all levels of school business management. Certification is a way of recognizing those individuals with the background, training, and on-the-job experience to meet recognized standards of professional competence.
Minimise USA
Industry News & Trends
Florida is the only state in the country that has yet to apply for billions in federal dollars to help the schools in the state, according to the US Department of Education. (CNN)
Parents who oppose critical race theory are suing U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland saying, essentially, that free speech gives them leeway to harass or intimidate school board members and other educators. (District Administration)
How does threat intelligence work to help keep school districts safe from cyberattacks? It helps smaller IT teams prioritize system updates and avoid potential problems. (EdTech)