The Bulletin Board
Member News

A FASBO Certification helps you be recognized for your experience, training and expertise.

Your FASBO Certification proves that your training, experience, and education are up to date and worthy of your position.

You are the recognized expert in your particular school business discipline, with a valuable skill set that is all your own.


Conference News
New format, same unsurpassed professional development. We’re still delivering the expert professional development and networking you’ve come to rely on, delivered by nationally renowned speakers, panels of experts and thought leaders in school business. 

Held only once a year, FASBO's educational program is the premier professional development opportunity for School Business Officials and executive-level administrators to hear relevant, up-to-the-minute topics in school business.   

Registration is now open. Conference registration is $200. 

October 25-28, 2022 at the DoubleTree at Universal in Orlando. Rates starting at $129

Fill out your scholarship application today! The scholarship includes conference registration and at least three nights at the hotel. A minumum value of $600. Don't miss out!  Click here for scholarship application

On-site Drapery Cleaners
Continuing Education
School business is a very complex and demanding profession requiring a special set of knowledge, skills, and abilities. It is incumbent upon us to ensure that those that follow us have the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities. To that end, the Board of Directors of the Florida Association of School Business Officials (FASBO) has embarked on the creation of a Professional Certification Program. 

Recognizing the importance of attaining professionalism for school business officials, not only with regard to acquired knowledge and experience, but also in terms of the recognition and respect of peers and other professionals, FASBO’s Board of Directors established its Professional Certification Program in 2009.

The Program offers both acknowledgment and recognition for professionals at all levels of school business management. Certification is a way of recognizing those individuals with the background, training, and on-the-job experience to meet recognized standards of professional competence.
Industry News & Trends
A bill that sets a deadline for training required in the wake of the Parkland school shooting is now state law. HB 142 takes several measures intended to improve school safety in Florida. (WTSP)
The Principal Recovery Network comprises current and former administrators who've experienced a school shooting. (District Administration)
As technology becomes more prevalent in classroom learning, it's important that educators make sure the apps students are using to learn aren’t learning too much about them. (The Washington Post)
Florida education officials favored social-emotional content until conservative activists decided to taint SEL terminology with a racial tinge. (The 74)
Rapid technological advancement has positively influenced learning. The days of mechanically poring over textbooks for all necessary information are gone. Because information is so readily available, teaching and learning outcomes must be improved, and educators' strategies cannot remain the same. (The Tech Edvocate)
Districts are using webcams, microphones and other devices to enhance modern learning environments and build the classrooms of the future. (EdTech)