The Bulletin Board
Conference News

The SASBO Conference and Discovery Forum will be held April 3-5, 2023, in Louisville, Kentucky.  

Concurrent educational breakout session topics will include

  • How to Create Effective and Efficient Travel Handbook Procedures
  • Let's Talk About ESSER
  • Bots and Artificial Intelligence
  • Emotional Leadership
  • Title IX Gender Equity
  • Taxable Fringe Benefits
  • Bookkeeper Rewind: A Review of Best Practices

SASBO is your link to a network of business officials throughout the Southeast who have jobs just like you. Using online access, you can collaborate and promote with power and passion all you have to offer in enriching individuals and your education community.

Click here for more conference registration information


Continuing Education
School business is a very complex and demanding profession requiring a special set of knowledge, skills, and abilities. It is incumbent upon us to ensure that those that follow us have the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities. To that end, the Board of Directors of the Florida Association of School Business Officials (FASBO) has embarked on the creation of a Professional Certification Program. 

Recognizing the importance of attaining professionalism for school business officials, not only with regard to acquired knowledge and experience, but also in terms of the recognition and respect of peers and other professionals, FASBO’s Board of Directors established its Professional Certification Program in 2009.

The Program offers both acknowledgment and recognition for professionals at all levels of school business management. Certification is a way of recognizing those individuals with the background, training, and on-the-job experience to meet recognized standards of professional competence.

Many of the school districts throughout Florida are experiencing extreme budget cuts and are restricting travel. FASBO recognizes that now more than ever there is a need for training and networking to share ideas on how to get through the next several years with reductions in budget and staff. FASBO recognizes and acknowledges this predicament and is providing scholarships to encourage participation.

There are a limited number of scholarships to be awarded to cover the cost of conference registration and possibly 3 nights at the conference hotel. All conference attendees are eligible.

The board of directors will review all applications and determine the recipients for scholarship awards.

Click here for the scholarship aplication.

Industry News & Trends
The Florida Board of Education will now require training and certification for librarians and other media specialists on how to select library materials. The training will include making participants aware that teachers violating the restrictions could face a felony charge, which can result in up to five years in prison. (K-12 DIVE)
Under new legislation filed by House Republicans late last week, Florida's school voucher plan has a chance to expand dramatically. The new bill would give families state money for a wide range of education expenses beyond private school tuition. (Tampa Bay Times)
Experts fear the actual number of K–12 cyber incidents remains unknown due to weak legal requirements and districts’ concerns about bad press. (EdTech)
ChatGPT, the controversial chatbot powered by artificial intelligence, will soon be incorporated into some of the most popular applications used in K-12, recent reports indicate.  (District Administration)
At least seven state leaders hope the pandemic laid the groundwork for an 'all-of-the-above approach' to education, including funding for private schools. (The 74)