The Bulletin Board
Member News
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FASBO membership connects you to everything you need to thrive in school business.
Earn distinguished credentials. Become an expert in your discipline. Empower your district. Build relationships with education officials. Accelerate your career. FASBO membership helps you do all of these things so you can thrive in school business! 

 Whether it’s generalized data breeches or a targeted scam attack, we deserve to have our personal information protected. At allsynx, only part of our jobs center around our benefits platform that helps you enroll and maintain your benefits. The other component is the active role in security we take to keep you – including your employees’ and students’ - information safe. On top of our regular security audits, all our employees that have access to PHI are required to complete yearly security trainings, drills, and HIPAA certifications. Employees in many cases are the frontline of defense against cyber-attacks, so keeping them prepared and guarded gives your organization the best chance to stay safe. To learn more about our security measures, email us at!



A Day in the Life with Honeywell Forge for Real Estate Operations

 A Healthy Return to Work and Productivity

Conference News
FASBO Annual Conference and School Business Expo is critical for your professional development, technical training and networking!  Every FASBO member has something to teach and something to learn. The Annual Conference is a powerful gathering of school and industry professionals to share knowledge and become better together as we rise to meet the challenges facing schools.

Mark your calendars and fill out your scholarship application today!

October 10 -13, 2023 at the DoubleTree at SeaWorld in Orlando. Rooms starting at $149. Let us know what you want to hear and learn about at the conference!
Continuing Education
School business is a very complex and demanding profession requiring a special set of knowledge, skills, and abilities. It is incumbent upon us to ensure that those that follow us have the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities. To that end, the Board of Directors of the Florida Association of School Business Officials (FASBO) has embarked on the creation of a Professional Certification Program. 

Recognizing the importance of attaining professionalism for school business officials, not only with regard to acquired knowledge and experience, but also in terms of the recognition and respect of peers and other professionals, FASBO’s Board of Directors established its Professional Certification Program in 2009.

The Program offers both acknowledgment and recognition for professionals at all levels of school business management. Certification is a way of recognizing those individuals with the background, training, and on-the-job experience to meet recognized standards of professional competence.
Industry News & Trends
Florida’s voucher expansion bill is closer to approval in both the House and the Senate. The bill, HB 1 was passed by the Republican-controlled House on Friday, a measure that would make every Florida student eligible for taxpayer-backed school vouchers. The Senate could approve it this week. A vote had already been approved to move companion bill SB 202 to the Senate floor. SB 202, sponsored by Sen. Corey Simon (R-Tallahassee), now has an official price tag of $646 million, but many Democrats believe that is wildly underestimated. (Source: News Service of Florida)
An impactful K-12 education system is one that delivers on what the American public wants it to do. But who is now considered the American public? (Source: eSchool News)
Ongoing news stories about ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched this past November, have many educators wondering about its implications in the classroom and the role of artificial intelligence in K-12 education. Here is some valuable information on use and ethics from NC State assistant professor Shiyan Jiang, who is currently a co-principal investigator on the StoryQ project, which is exposing high school students to artificial intelligence through narrative modeling. (Source: NC State College of Education News)
K–12 IT teams must analyze how applications use and store data to protect themselves and their students from cyberattacks. (Source: EdTech)