The Bulletin Board
Member News

2024 FASBO Scholarship

Did you know FASBO has scholarship opportunities?  Want to attend the conference but your district budgets won't allow? Don't miss out!

FASBO scholarship includes conference registration and at least three nights at the conference hotel. A minumum value of $800.

Fill out you application today!  Click here for scholarship application



Financial wellness programs and creating a “stay strategy” for your district

We all know educators don’t go into the profession for the money. They do it because it’s a calling. But that doesn’t mean they can’t experience financial peace. Click here to learn more.


Explore a new route for transportation management.
Get cost-effective, simplified solutions for better transportation management. Partner with CESO for routing, customer experience, and data analytics with technology integration.
Get Started for Free
Conference News

New format, same unsurpassed professional development. We’re still delivering the expert professional development and networking you’ve come to rely on, delivered by nationally renowned speakers, panels of experts and thought leaders in school business. 

Held only once a year, FASBO's educational program is the premier professional development opportunity for School Business Officials and executive-level administrators to hear relevant, up-to-the-minute topics in school business.   

Your FASBO & FSFOA boards are working deligently to bring you the best conference yet!  Stay tuned for more.

Upcoming Events
Nov 2024
We are excited to be working closely with the Florida School Finance Officers Association (FSFOA) on preparing for a "super" fall conference. Both associations are looking forward to having our first joint conference in several years. This conference will be held in Jacksonville from November 4-6, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency downtown.
While we are working hard to complete the agenda, your ideas for session topics are still encouraged. We’d love for you to share with us what you would like to learn more about.
Please continue to watch for updated agendas or to apply for a scholarship. The scholarships are limited so apply for one today. This will be a conference you will not want to miss.
Industry News & Trends
The National Ed Tech Plan and the expiration of ESSER funding will take a toll, impacting everything from student devices to school safety. (EdTech)
The University of Florida's College of Education is dedicating nearly $1 million to help transform mathematics education in Florida. SALT-Math: Scalable AI-Augmented Learning by Teaching for Math Education project (which received $930,000 over three years) aims to revolutionize K-12 mathematics learning in Florida and beyond by implementing a learning-by-teaching framework that uses a large language model to flip students’ roles as teachers to AI agents (resulting in enhanced student outcomes). (University of Florida)
CENTEGIX, the industry leader and largest wearable safety technology provider for K-12 education, recently released a new report on the impact of legislation requiring mobile panic buttons in Florida's K-12 schools. The report, Alyssa's Law: Making Florida Schools Safer, examines how Alyssa's Law and panic button technology are creating safer environments to learn and work. (PR Newswire)
Following a lengthy trademark disupute between two virtual school programs, a judge recently ruled that the Florida Virtual School had not provided enough credible evidence to prove a competitor had committed copyright infringement with its promotion of its programs. The Florida Virtual School could be on the hook for more than $1 million of taxpayers' money spent on legal fees. (Orlando Sentinel)