CPA Public Affairs
October 2019

PEI: CPA sparks strong interest in using propane for buses and fleets

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The CPA’s recent meeting on September 24 with PEI’s Department of Environment, Water and Climate Change sparked strong interest in considering auto propane to fuel government school buses and fleets.

PEI Premier Dennis King had earlier indicated the province’s intention to put propane buses into service in 2020 at the CPA’s Atlantic Seminar on June 13.

Attending the meeting was Deputy Minister Brad Colwill, Climate Change and Environment Manager Erin Taylor and Executive Manager Todd Dupuis. The CPA discussed the advantages of using propane for the province’s transportation, agriculture and residential sectors, as well as for programs such as fuel switching.

Of particular focus for the CPA was ensuring the inclusion of propane in the province’s Climate Action Plan, Climate Adaptation Plan and Energy Strategy that provide a total of $10 million in incentives for fuel switching in existing homes and businesses. The CPA also proposed that it could assist the government in developing some of the programs. The Association is following up with the Climate Change Committee’s Clerk Assistant – Research & Committees to advance its agenda.

At the end of August 2019, PEI formed a special legislative committee on climate change to discuss the next steps for their Climate Change Adaptation Plan. The committee is now actively seeking input from the public. The CPA will submit its views in writing and may also request to meet with the committee.


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