CPA Public Affairs
May 2020

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Get ready to celebrate #PROPANEday on June 7!

For this second edition of #PROPANEday, the CPA has created social media posts for you to share on your social media platforms. This year’s messaging focuses on the critical role of propane in the COVID-19 pandemic and how the industry has risen to this unprecedented challenge.

You can also retweet/repost the CPA (and everyone else!) on the day of June 7, and we encourage you to share your stories and make this campaign your own.

#PROPANEday is being celebrated by our colleagues in the propane industry around the world, including the World LPG Association. Watch for their tweets and posts and share them as well; by us all working together we can spread the word.

Let’s work together to make this an important day in our global calendar!


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