CPA Public Affairs
June 2020

NL: Government announced essential worker support program

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The Provincial Government announced the Essential Worker Support Program. This program, which is cost-shared with the Federal Government, will provide a one-time payment to individuals who meet eligibility criteria and who work in professions included in the Government of Canada’s “Guidance on Essential Services and Functions in Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic” document, available on the Public Safety Canada website.

Employers will begin to receive payments on behalf of the employees starting in July, and will then submit payments as part of their regular payroll remittance.The application for compensation will be available after the 16-week eligibility period, and will be administered by the provincial Department of Advanced Education, Skills and Labour. Employers must complete the application on behalf of all qualifying employees, providing proof of the employees’ eligibility. Employers can begin submitting applications on July 6, 2020 and will have until July 30, 2020 in which to apply.

Funding for this program includes an estimated $13.8 million from the Provincial Government and $52.5 million from the Federal Government. 


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