CPA Public Affairs
March 2021

The CPA tells federal MPs that the discontinuation of Enbridge Line 5 is "not an option"

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Appearing before a House of Commons Committee studying Canada-U. S. relations and the issue of Line 5, the CPA made it clear that for its members and for the millions of Canadians who depend on propane in their daily lives, the idea of shutting down Enbridge Line 5 is a non-starter.

Enbridge Line 5 is the only supply of propane via pipeline into Southern Ontario. It is the feeder pipe into the Sarnia Fractionator, which has over 100,000 barrels of capacity per day. Propane is approximately 70 per cent of that capacity.

In her testimony to the committee on Thursday, March 18, Nancy Borden, CPA Board Chair noted that, “Any prolonged disruption of Line 5 would have severe and lasting consequences on the supply of propane to Ontario, Québec and Atlantic Canada. In short, the discontinuation of Line 5 is not an option.”

Joining Borden in appearing before the committee was CPA Past Chair and Dowler-Karn CFO Dan Kelly, CPA Board member Mark Mundy, Vice-President of NGL Supply and Shawn Vammen, Sr. Vice-President of Superior Gas Liquids.

View the full news release here.

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