CPA Public Affairs
February 2022

NEW – ON: Rural Ontario Municipalities Association conference provides nuggets for propane industry

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Held virtually on February 24 and 25, 2022, the Rural Ontario Municipalities Association (ROMA) conference provided highlights and findings from its action plan on rural growth and resiliency in a ‘post covid world’. The CPA will utilize this important data for industry benefit in its government and stakeholder outreach efforts.

Many issues and initiatives impacting propane operations come from municipal governments. Across the province, Ontario’s municipal councils have a voice in everything from which roads propane trucks travel, and if and where, tanks can be installed in communities. Because of this influence, it is important to pay attention to the priorities highlighted at the association’s annual conference. For example:

  • In his keynote address, Chief Perry Bellegarde stressed that not all First Nations peoples agree on pipeline policies and economic development initiatives. He indicated that most do agree on the importance of consideration for the planet, people, and profit in assessments of development attributes. 
  • ROMA Chair Robin Jones unveiled the new strategic plan promoting the role of connected networks for rural communities’ economic success post-pandemic. She highlighted the need for rural internet connectivity, affordable housing, and transit. ROMA’s 2020/21 research finds rural Ontario consisting of 2.8 million residents in 965,000 households with a workforce of over 1 million people; 77 percent of whom work in enterprises of 10 employees or less.

Jones also outlined ideas for economic development opportunities for rural Ontario post-pandemic, which propane businesses could benefit from. Particularly, the opportunity for rural Ontario to grow its resource-based sectors, tourism product and experiences, education and training capabilities, the productivity of its diversified workforce, and the affordable, welcoming nature of its communities. All of these areas rely on people and businesses powered by reliable, affordable energy, like propane, to succeed.

Read ROMA’s full action plan here.


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