UPDATE – AB: Minister of Finance confirms to CPA that propane is excluded from Alberta fuel tax pause
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Following the Government of Alberta’s announcement of the April 1 pause on the provincial fuel tax (which covers both gasoline and diesel), the CPA requested that propane should be included in it, as it is a primary energy source for many Albertans.
But the Minister of Finance stated to the CPA: “At this time, the government will not be considering propane for purposes of the fuel tax collection pause. The pause in the fuel tax collection is intended to offer Albertans much-needed relief from current high gasoline and diesel prices. Since gasoline and diesel prices track closely with the price of crude oil, skyrocketing oil prices are having severe impacts on gasoline and diesel consumers. On the other hand, propane prices have not been affected to a similar degree, with propane prices in Alberta up just a few cents from what they were last year.”
The CPA and members note rising costs across the value chain of propane and will continue to advocate that the propane sector should receive the same economic opportunities as other energy sources.
The CPA will continue to work with the government to ensure that propane is treated as an important, low-carbon energy source for Albertans, in both policy and regulatory design and implementation.