NRCan Alternative Fuelling Station Locator Widget Now Available

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) has announced that the Alternative Fuelling Station Locator widget is now available. By embedding this widget into your website, consumers can easily find alternative fuelling stations. 
To embed this widget, visit the Alternative Fuelling Station Locator webpage, select the "Embed Tool" located in the bottom left corner of the page, under the map, and copy and paste the HTML shown into your website. To make propane the defaulted fuel option, as the CPA has done on its website, copy and paste the following HTML into your website: 
<div id="afdc-stations"><div id="afdc-stations-loading">Loading alternative fueling station locator...</div></div><script type="text/javascript">window.afdcStationsOptions = {"country":"CA","localeCountry":"CA","path":"/find/nearest","query":{"fuel":["LPG"]}}</script><script async defer src=""></script><noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the alternative fueling station locator.</noscript>
To download propane station data, select the "Analyze & Download Data" tab, choose "Propane" as the fuel. Private and planned stations can also be viewed by selecting the "Station" button on the left side.
If you have new locations or require changes to your existing stations, please contact Lindsay Kirschner who is supporting NRCan’s Alternative Fuel Station Locator database via email: or phone: 202.862.1202.
For any other questions, please contact Lindsay or Tammy Hirsch, CPA Senior Communications and Marketing Director at or 587-777-3917.