On November 19, 2020, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, Jeff Yurek, released a discussion paper on hydrogen development prospects for Ontario that suggests hydrogen has the potential to be low carbon, for example, if produced from Ontario’s electricity grid. It states that hydrogen could help decarbonize the economy and reduce reliance on fuels with a larger carbon footprint like coal, natural gas, diesel, and gasoline.
Available on the Environment Registry of Ontario for comment until January 18, 2021, the province’s hydrogen plan is expected to be released later in 2021. The government is seeking input on GHG emissions reduction feasibility, key technologies and business opportunities in the field, whether targets are realistic, economic development and job creation potential, innovative strategic partnership opportunities, regional development prospects, and barriers and opportunities for growth in the energy system.
While the CPA supports low-carbon energy solutions and lowering provincial GHG emissions, the propane sector strongly discourages public sector investment targeted to a single energy or technology solution. This argument will be reflected in the CPA’s response to the province’s hydrogen strategy discussion paper.
The CPA’s comments will advocate for provincial support for a more diverse energy mix in a targeted, regional approach. This will include proposing funding for pilot projects in remote and rural communities to switch from diesel and oil to propane to deliver reduced GHG emission levels. If you have input for inclusion in the CPA's response, please provide it to Ontario Government Relations Director, Marcelline Riddell, marcellineriddell@propane.ca by January 8, 2021.