A new informative tool for international LPG pricing and markets

The World LPG Association and Argus Media published the first edition of a dedicated bi-monthly bulletin on the latest developments in international propane pricing and markets.

This International propane “snapshot” aims to offer a brief and clear overview of pricing developments on key indices for propane and butane. The authors say each issue will provide “insights, market-moving news and analysis on key developments that impact the global propane sector”.

Key highlights for Canada in the first edition include statistics on propane demand for fall crop drying in Alberta, which Argus said was weak as favourable weather allowed crops to dry naturally in fields. They also said that according to an Alberta government crop report, crop harvesting in the province was three to four weeks ahead of average and 98-100% complete by late October because of dry, warm weather. But propane prices in Edmonton still strengthened in October on firm export demand and low stock concerns (globally).

You can view the report by clicking here or by visiting the WLPGA website.