NEW – MB: Propane included in fuel tax exemptions for the peat moss harvesting industry

The CPA reached out to the Government of Manitoba to confirm that propane for the peat moss harvesting industry is included in the fuel tax exemptions, announced in a bulletin in April 2022.

As per the Government of Manitoba’s statement to the CPA: 

“The fuel tax announcement regarding the peat moss harvesting industry that comes into effect on May 1, 2022, references marked fuel as diesel is the fuel used by the industry in the equipment for the qualifying off-road activities. However, if propane was purchased by a peat moss harvesting operation for use in their equipment for a qualifying off-road activity, it would also qualify for the exemption. The fuel tax exemption for the peat moss harvesting industry will be included with the fuel tax exemptions under The Fuel Tax Act, which includes marked fuel but also propane, natural gas, bunker fuel and crude oil.” 

For further information, please contact CPA’s Vice-President of Government Relations for Western Canada, Katie Kachur.