NL: CPA meeting with NL gov’t prompts possible pilot project for auto propane

A successful was meeting held on July 27 with Newfoundland and Labrador Natural Resources Minister Andrew Parsons that highlighted the economical and environmental benefits of propane. The meeting has resulted in a proposed follow-up presentation on a pilot project for auto propane. 

CPA SVP Government Relations, Allan Murphy, along with CPA members Darren Eavis and Dennis Lewis, demonstrated to the minister that now and in the future, propane is a much cleaner and affordable climate change solution compared to carbon-intense alternatives such as gasoline, diesel and heating oil. The minister was also made aware that as technology advances, renewable propane and propane/rDME blends will make propane an even cleaner option. 

The group stressed that propane is available now, and as price based on carbon intensity is factored in, it becomes an even more affordable option for consumers. Citing the Alberta’s government approach to address high inflation, the CPA recommended that the NL government strongly examine the possibility of providing residents an energy rebate for the coming winter. Murphy has written to Finance Minister Coady in this regard and discussions are ongoing. 

The successful use of propane in school buses in other parts of Atlantic Canada as well as in the London Police fleet in Ontario were also highlighted, piquing the minister’s interest to learn more about auto propane opportunities for his province, including a pilot project featuring auto propane proposed by the CPA. The ministered noted that other cabinet colleagues such as the minister of environment should also be included. 

The CPA is planning the meeting within the next few months that will bring together major players and experts within the auto propane industry who will demonstrate a clear pathway to lowering emissions and increasing costs savings for NL.