CPA Public Affairs

Canadian Propane Association - Association canadienne du propane

Advocacy News
The CPA and members across the country have been working with the different levels of government over the past few years, providing information about the advantages of propane-fuelled vehicles and how they can be an ideal low-cost, low-emission solution.

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Earlier this month, the Special Committee on Climate Change filed an interim report in the Prince Edward Island Legislature. The July 2 report included 14 recommendations the committee believes will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. From the perspective of the CPA, the committee outlined several options that fit within the Propane Advantage.

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 A majority of Canadians favour a diversity of energy sources over only having renewables when it comes to keeping the costs of energy as low as possible, according to Nanos Research who was retained by the CPA to test top line impressions Canadians have about propane and whether they are “all in” with electrification or would be more open to a more holistic approach.

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This year’s international Auto Propane Day takes place Wednesday, November 4, 2020. This dedicated event, created by the World LPG Association last year, is designed to promote the benefits of auto propane, including its contribution to cleaner air, its proven safety and reliability, and low costs.

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The World LPG Association ran an auto propane/autogas air quality social media campaign throughout June and July 2020 to leverage on-line air quality discussions around COVID-19 and educate key stakeholders on the benefits of auto propane. The CPA retweeted these messages to broaden the reach and amplify the message complimenting existing initiatives in your companies and driving discussion to the CPA’s propane resources and activities in Canada.

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In late June, the issue of replacing Enbridge Line 5 as it passes under the Straits of Mackinac in Michigan once again became subject to political pressure from the Michigan Attorney General who favours the discontinuation of Line 5. In response to the Attorney Generals’ actions, the CPA reached out to premiers in Ontario, Quebec, (in conjunction with AQP), New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI and Newfoundland and Labrador to alert them to the risk associated with losing that critical supply chain.

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In June 2020, the CPA began initiating discussions with potential partners to effect change in the regulatory regime for seasonal load restrictions under the Highway Traffic Act, 1990 (O. Reg.160/20).

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On July 6, 2020 the Ontario Energy Board issued a long-overdue response to the CPA’s complaint of June 2019 regarding Enbridge Gas’ practices of providing natural gas in Fenelon Falls. The CPA complaint asserted that Enbridge engaged in misleading and unfair marketing practices in project implementation.

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In late June and early July 2020, the CPA followed up with the Minister of Government and Consumer Services, the Honourable Lisa Thompson, and other government officials on next steps to advance the proposals offered by sectoral representatives and hasten provincial pandemic economic recovery.

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As the Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste program continues to be wound-down, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is in the process of drafting new legislation and regulations for affected industry steward categories. The minister has endorsed the CPA’s position that the revised program captures only non-refillable, small pressurized cylinders as all other propane cylinders contribute to the circular economy and have done so for decades.

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MaXfield Inc.
NB Transit Inc.
Discover Rural Computer Consultants, Inc
Rural Computer Consultants, Inc
For over 40 years, RCC has been and continues to be a leader in software and support, specializing in the fuel and propane industry. FDS, Fuel Distribution System, is a complete back office software that also features a full accounting suite, web services, cloud hosting and much more. MOGO, Mobile Office on the GO, provides real-time communication between your drivers and your office, saving time and money.
Learn More
Propane Training Institute
COVID-19 has impacted your capacity to host training sessions. This summer, take control back over training. Use our new online courses. It’s easy and a worthwhile experience!

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As provinces begin to further open up across Canada, the size of groups for indoor and outdoor public and private gatherings are being adjusted.To assist you in determining if you are able to host a training session, and under what conditions, please consult the updated group numbers. 

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Additional businesses and public spaces will be reopening as the Ontario government allows the City of Toronto and Peel Region to move into Stage 3 of reopening the province on Friday, July 31 at 12:01 a.m.  Toronto Public Health and Peel Public Health regions will join the 31 public health regions that entered into Stage 3 on July 17 and 24, 2020.

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CPA News
Camping season is in full swing and propane is an ideal energy source because of its portability, safety, and long shelf life. With some of the incidents that have been reported in the news recently, the CPA issued the news release – Safety tips for an enjoyable and fun camping season – to remind Canadians about the safety protocols when using propane for campsite activities and equipment.

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Marshall Excelsior Company
National Energy Equipment Inc.
Industry News
Dependable Truck & Tank Limited
ADD Systems
Renaldo Sales and Service Center
Tremcar Inc.
Schedule 4 must be submitted within 12 months of meeting reporting requirements, indicating your Environmental Emergency plan is fully implemented and that all implicated staff are trained and aware of their roles.

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Affinity Partners
Canadian Propane Association | Association canadienne du propane
410, avenue Laurier Ouest, bureau 406 | 410 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 406 | | @canadapropane