During the past few months, the CPA and BC Committee members launched meetings to advance propane to the BC Environment, Energy, and Transportation and Infrastructure Ministries. Key topics included exploring how propane can play a role in reducing BC’s transportation-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, presently accounting for 39% of its emissions.
The first meeting took place on March 15 with BC Environment Minister Mary Polak and her Chief of Staff Martina Kapac de Frias. The CPA and BC Committee members Brian Osland and Willie Stephen discussed how propane can make an immediate impact on the BC government’s GHG reduction targets. The ministry was receptive to the proposals offered, which included adding alternative fuel vehicles to the high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane to motivate drivers to switch to more GHG friendly driving practices, as well as the environmental and economic benefits in return to base fleet operations.
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