Regulatory Affairs
October 26, 2017

Changes to PTI Manuals Regarding DOT Harmonization

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We are pleased to announce that PTI courses have been updated to include information regarding the allowance to fill and requalify DOT cylinders in Canada. This has been done in response to Transport Canada’s recent harmonization efforts. The updated courses include the following:

100-01 Propane Pump Attendant
100-04 Cylinder Inspection and Requalification
100-08 Cylinder Filling
100-11 Propane Pump Attendant, +TDG

The changes have been limited to the workbooks. Exams have not been affected.

We highly recommend that you update your existing stock to reflect the most recent requirements and allowances.

Instead of issuing a recall, we are offering to provide you with the following solutions to update your current stock:

  1. Adhesive labels for the 100-01, 100-08, and 100-11 workbooks.
  2. A two-page insert for the 100-04.

Please contact PTI at with the quantity and type of workbooks you have if you would like to receive either of these solutions.


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