Regulatory Affairs
November 30, 2017

Regulatory Amendments and Training Discussed at the TDG GPAC

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On November 16, the CPA attended the semi-annual meeting of the TDG General Policy Advisory Council (GPAC).

During the meeting, Benoit Turcotte, Executive Director of Regulatory Frameworks and International Engagement, provided a detailed update on recent and upcoming activities in relation to the TDG Regulations.  A copy of his presentation can be viewed here.

Turcotte also provided an update on the proposed approach to amend Part 6 (Training) of the TDG Regulations.  Transport Canada is proposing to amend Part 6 and requires that two key components be met to satisfy the requirements in the TDG Regulations for a “competent person”: general online TDG awareness training with a pass mark on a TDG 101 test; and job-specific, competency-based training and assessment. The CPA is actively participating in consultations on this matter and will keep members informed of developments.  For additional information, please click here.


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