NS: Fuel Safety Issues Bulletin Regarding Catalytic Tank Heaters
The Chief Fuel Safety Inspector for the province of Nova Scotia released Fuel Safety Bulletin FS18-04 on June 28, 2018 concerning Catalytic Tank Heaters on propane tanks.
The CSA B149.2-15 edition of the code permits the use of catalytic tank heaters and such heaters shall be installed and used following Clause 9.4 of the Code and the manufacturer's installation and operating instructions. In addition, the following requirements shall be met when installing and using these heaters:
- The installation of the heater, the initial start, and any restarts shall be performed by a licensed gas technician of the appropriate level.
- The liquid level in the tank shall be maintained at least 10% higher than the location of the upper safety switch of the heater.
- When applying for a permit that includes the installation of a tank heater do not mark it as a vaporizer, simply note in the scope of work the make and model of the tank heater being installed.
- As required by the tank heater manufacturer, the heater shall be removed from the tank, serviced, and the tank condition checked at least once annually by a licensed gas technician of the appropriate level. A written report shall be submitted to the Chief Inspector detailing the condition of the heater and the tank noted during the inspection.
- Tank heaters are only to be installed on tanks that are in good condition with no visible corrosion.
- Tank heaters shall be installed in a manner that allows for service access.
For more information and questions regarding this bulletin, please contact Paul Fowler, Chief Inspector, at 902-424-8017 or Paul.Fowler@novascotia.ca. You can also contact Jean-Francois Duguay, Director, Government Relations, Quebec and Atlantic Canada at 506-480-0275 or jeanfrancoisduguay@propane.ca.
All Fuel Safety Bulletins for the province of Nova Scotia can be viewed online at: https://novascotia.ca/lae/fuelsafety/fuelbulletins.asp.