Fee adjustment for claims for exemption under the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act
The CPA would like to inform members about an upcoming fee adjustment for claims for exemption filed under the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act (HMIRA) that will come into effect on April 1, 2019.
As per the Service Fees Act (SFA), an annual fee adjustment is now required, using a Consumer Price Index (CPI). Health Canada has selected April 1st as the anniversary date of its annual fee adjustments which will commence April 1, 2019. Fees subject to an annual fee adjustment are required to use the April All-items Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Canada, as published by Statistics Canada for the previous fiscal year. The adjusted fee is to be rounded up to the nearest dollar. Annual adjusted fees will be published on Health Canada’s website annually.
Summary of the Annual Adjusted Fees:
For general inquiries, please contact the Claims Registrar at hc.whmis.claim-demande.simdut.sc@canada.ca.