Regulatory Affairs
February 7, 2019

BC: Directive on Propane Filling Plants and Container Refill Centers update

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In December, Technical Safety BC (TSBC) sent a draft directive on Propane Filling Plants and Container Refill Centers to stakeholders in our industry for comment. The CPA drafted and presented a detailed submission to TSBC that included members' comments and suggestions.

TSBC has indicated that there will be several phases of consultation prior to the issuance of an updated directive. It will be evaluating the feedback received from all related stakeholders. Stakeholders, including  CPA members, may be contacted regarding submitted comments and requested feedback. TSBC is collaborating with other authorities having jurisdiction and this phase of review may extend into Q2 of 2019. The CPA will continue to follow this process closely and share additional information with members as it becomes available.  


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