Regulatory Affairs
February 18, 2020

REMINDER: Federal: Does your ERAP meet the updated requirements?

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Has your Emergency Response Assistance Plan been updated to satisfy the current new Transport Canada requirements? The March 1, 2020 deadline to transition your ERAP to meet the current new requirements that came into force on June 1, 2019 is quickly approaching. The revisions to the requirements include:

  • Section 7.2 has been modified to ‘potential incident analysis’ when applying for an ERAP approval (previous wording stated, ‘potential accident assessment’);
  • Changes to the ERAP approval process in section 7.5;
  • Modifications to section 7.6 to the decision process review when an ERAP has been revoked or denied;
  • Modifications to the definition of who is authorized to use an ERAP in section 7.7 and 7.8; and
  • Modifications in section 8 on  to the reporting process. 

 Additional changes included a revised definition of residue in Section 1.4 and the replacement of ‘ERAP’ for the older term ‘ERP’, which can no longer be used.

The following guides outline the updated requirements of Part 7 and identify clear steps for members who require an ERAP:


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