Regulatory Affairs
July 23, 2020

NEW – Revised version of B620 code delayed; planned replacement of equivalency certificate SU 12435 unaffected

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As the time for renewal of Equivalency Certificate SU 12435 approaches, the CPA reached out to Transport Canada for further details regarding a new version of the B620 code, which will eliminate the need for maintaining this equivalency. As stated in the equivalency:

This Equivalency Certificate authorizes the members of the Canadian Propane Association and any person on behalf of its members to transport UN1978 propane or UN1075 liquefied petroleum gas in a TC 331 or MC 331 highway tank for which the inspection and test intervals were increased from a five-year requalification period to a ten-year period. The requirements were accepted by the CSA B620 Technical Committee in June 2017 and should be adopted in the next CSA B620 Standard that should be published in 2019 or 2020.

Due to COVID-19 delays, the new version of B620 has now been pushed to an August 2020 timeframe; the CSA has assured that the code is planned to come into effect at that time.  Further contact with Transport Canada indicated that, if for some reason the code does not come out within this timeframe, TC would still be able to process our request for a renewal despite the requirement to submit three months before an equivalency expires. For more information, please contact


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