Regulatory Affairs
July 23, 2020

Update – Transport Canada provides guides to assist railway loaders in security plans and training

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Transport Canada has drafted the following guidance documents to assist railway loaders in developing and implementing a security plan and security awareness training under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Rail Security Regulations. Please note that the guidance for Implementing and Developing a Security Plan and Security Plan Training has been marked as Version 2 as minor edits have been made to reflect the acceptance of site-specific security plans.

The CPA is currently looking at existing PTI training material (for example 300-02 Propane Rail Car Unloading  /300-02 Déchargement de wagons-citernes) to identify if additions are needed which would provide information on the security requirements mandated by TC.

These documents are now available at the following links. You are encouraged to always consult Transport Canada's website for the most up-to-date information.

Implementing and Developing a Security Plan and Security Plan Training

Developing a Security Awareness Training Program

As a reminder, railway loaders were granted an extension for all requirements under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Rail Security Regulations until August 3, 2020.

Transport Canada has also provided a security plan template to assist railway loaders in developing their security plan. Please note that this template is not mandatory and railway loaders may use any format, provided the security plan meets the content requirements of subsection 10(1) of the Regulations.

For more information on the requirements and implementation of the Regulations, please visit Transport Canada’s website.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please email


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