Regulatory Affairs
February 5, 2021

UPDATE – ON: CPA pushes support for propane vehicles at vehicle emissions working group meeting

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The intergovernmental and stakeholder working group recently met on January 20, 2021 to further discuss opportunities and challenges with integrating the testing and emissions of heavy-duty commercial diesel vehicles in Ontario.

The group reviewed:

  • A roadmap to convert Ontario’s heavy-duty commercial motor vehicle fleet 2021-2030​;
  • A recognition program for supply chain accountability; and
  • Emissions in 310T and Driver Training Programs.

A representative from Environment, Conservation and Parks Ministry also presented the province’s recently released hydrogen strategy. CPA Ontario Government Relations Director, Marcelline Riddell, reiterated that government and industry stakeholders must consider supporting propane vehicles whose fuelling infrastructure is already in market, while the costs and benefits of hydrogen technology are still being investigated.  

The government will post the plan when fully developed on the Environmental Registry of Ontario.

For more information on this initiative, please contact Riddell at


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