COVID-19 update for trainers
Indoor and outdoor gathering numbers are updated on a regular basis to keep up with rapid changes. Check out Destination Canada for information on safely meeting across Canada.
Please refer to the CPA's Guide to hosting a training session during COVID-19 and Best practices recommended during COVID-19 - Measures for Reopening your Retail Operations, produced to assist you in hosting a training session during COVID-19.
Extension of training certificates
PTI and some provincial governments have extended training recertifications post expiry date.
Authorization letter
The CPA has created a letter which could be carried by a propane worker whose PTI training certification is expired, to provide additional assurances that said employee can continue to perform his or her functions despite having an expired PTI certificate. The letter should be carried by an employee who is unable to attend a training session to recertify due to the current situation. As a reminder, the training certificate, even if expired, must be carried by the employee to support this additional letter.