Regulatory Affairs
October 14, 2021

UPDATE – ON: CPA does not intend to become a Producer Responsibility Organization

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CPA examined the requirements and has decided at this time that setting up to become a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) in the Hazardous and Special Products (HSP) process would be more beneficial for members who already have transporter and requalification systems in place.

This would allow the PRO process to be managed from call-out through to requalification and managed as members see fit. For example, when used cylinders are brought to a municipal ecocentre, the municipality can call a PRO to pick up of the cylinders (“the call-out”). The PRO is responsible for arranging the transport of the cylinders and the requalification process (changing defective parts, leveling, etc.), to avoid cylinder shortages and greenhouse gas emissions through recycling.

Management of these valuable assets can be maximized to ensure cylinders are used for their optimal lifespan of 30 to 40 years. Without a proper recycling system, the cylinders are often sent to metal recycling facilities after a lifespan of only 10 years.

Members wishing to become a PRO need to register with the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority. Then, they will be able to set up agreements with various producers of cylinders in Ontario.


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