UPDATE – Federal: Environmental emergency advocacy preparation continues
The CPA continues to work with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to affect change to the Environmental Emergency (E2) Regulations through the E2 Plan Regulatory Working Group.
The CPA is simultaneously working with BakerRisk to demonstrate that E2 plans should be eliminated for residential, farming and other small consumer applications unintentionally drawn into the requirements. While the CPA agrees that larger facilities need to plan for emergencies, a full out emergency response plan for residences and smaller applications is an added expense without much benefit to what is an already proven safe energy source.
BakerRisk has recently completed modelling that better proves propane’s safety and shows how an event can affect the required danger radius distances. The CPA, through the E2 Plan Regulatory Working Group, is now developing new wording that ECCC could implement in the regulations to better reflect propane needs while ensuring everyone’s safety.