Regulatory Affairs
February 10, 2022

NEW – Federal: Connect with TDG on revised guide for reporting dangerous goods in webinar

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Following the publication of the revised guide for reporting dangerous goods incidents on the web, the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Directorate is hosting a webinar on Part 8 – Reporting Requirements on March 3, 2022 at 2 p.m. ET.

The webinar will introduce the recent changes that have been applied to the guide and allow CPA members impacted by this revision to ask any questions directly to Transport Canada on reporting requirements. The webinar will also focus on more comprehensive definitions and examples introduced in the revised guide to help cover a variety of scenarios that could lead to confusion in interpretation.

The webinar will be held via a Microsoft Teams meeting: Click here to join the meeting. 

If you would prefer to join with another video conference device, email Transport Canada with your request


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