Regulatory Affairs
April 14, 2022

UPDATE – ON: Substantive CPA member input helps lower TSSA fees for propane

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On April 4, 2022, the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) notified the industry that a revised fee schedule for propane would be effective on May 1, 2022. This revised schedule reflects substantive CPA member input and effort over the past year to correct inequities inherent in the fee structure for propane that came into force on May 1, 2021. 

Due to stakeholder feedback, the TSSA has adjusted the fee categories for propane bulk plant, and fill site by adding more categories aligned with Ontario facilities. 

In their communication to the industry, the regulator noted that this new fee schedule for 2022 is the result of significant stakeholder input after fee invoices with large increases were issued in 2021.

The TSSA admitted the categories used to determine licensing fees for bulk plants and fill sites did not reflect the current configuration of many sites comprising a main large tank alongside a smaller nurse tank. When these tank volumes were combined for billing purposes, they were placed in a higher category, resulting in considerable fee increases.

Under the 2022 regime, fees for smaller facilities under 5,000 gallons (approximately 90% of sites in Ontario) have been reduced.

The CPA continues to press the Minister to have him address the overall 30% increase in the cost of providing propane in the province due to TSSA charges. 



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