Regulatory Affairs
November 21, 2022

BC – TSBC Updates: New CSA Codes are now in effect and new guidelines for contractors

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New TSBC Codes

This is a reminder that Technical Safety BC has adopted new CSA Codes, which came into effect on October 1, 2022. TSBC says these codes have been developed to improve the safety of gas technical equipment, boost efficiency, and facilitate innovation.

For more information on the codes, check out the Top 10 changes you need to know about the 2020 natural gas and propane codes or review Information Bulletin: Gas safety regulation amendments and adopted code revisions | TSBC (


TSBC has recently announced that contractors will soon be required to publish their licence number when advertising their services to the public. Find out what the new guidelines mean for you.

TSBC has also launched a new Find a Licensed Contractor tool to help home and business owners learn more about licensed contractors and check whether they have a history of safe and compliant work. 

Check out TSBC website for more information. 


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