ON & QC: Cap and Trade Reporting Regulatory Requirements

Since 2013 in Quebec and 2016 in Ontario*, companies that bring propane into each province are required to report the volumes they have introduced, by way of importation, refining or fractionation.

These companies are subsequently required to purchase, through an auction system, carbon credits to match the emissions created by their product. At the end of each program period (currently 2017-2020 in Ontario and 2015-2017 in Quebec), participating companies must submit the appropriate number of carbon credits through the government’s compliance system.

Propane businesses that do not introduce propane into Quebec or Ontario are not required to report carbon emissions or purchase credits.

For more details and province-specific Q&A’s on the program:

Quebec: http://www.mddelcc.gouv.qc.ca/changementsclimatiques/marche-carbone_en.asp 
Ontario: https://www.ontario.ca/page/cap-and-trade

Reporting, Verification & Timelines


The following volumes do not need to be reported:


All companies that introduce propane into the province of Ontario and/or Quebec, and that are subject to cap and trade reporting requirements, must register for the Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS) – https://www.wci-citss.org/. CITSS, a web-based program used by North American jurisdictions that have cap and trade programs, tracks emissions allowances and offset credits from time of issue by governments, to ownership, transfers, through to final retirement.

Contact Details

For general information about the Cap-and-Trade system and the carbon market:

* Although reporting was required in Ontario for 2016, the requirement to purchase matching credits did not begin until 2017.