As of January 12, 2018, CSA B622-14 – Selection and use of highway tanks, TC portable tanks, and ton containers for the transportation of dangerous goods, Class 2 requires that diesel engines on highway tanks and portable tanks containing dangerous goods of Class 2.1 and being used during loading and off-loading shall be equipped with an automatic engine air intake shut-off device. These devices are used to prevent diesel engine runaway if exposed to flammable vapours that may result in catastrophic engine failure and risk of explosion and/or fire.
Last month the CPA applied for a one-year implementation period that was unfortunately refused by Transport Canada.
The requirement is understood and plans to comply are being developed. The CPA understands that this is the peak heating season, and for some members, it will mean being unable to service customers in the middle of winter to down trucks to perform this maintenance, as not all mechanical vendors are capable of installing such equipment. Others are having trouble sourcing the equipment and qualified vendors to install the devices.
The CPA is, and will continue to, advocate on your behalf:
The CPA suggests that you prepare a letter for each truck, indicating the schedule of your compliance plan, as well as instruct your vehicle operators on how to present it in the event of an inspection by Transport Canada. It is also recommended that you include a phone number and company contact person who could present the steps your company is taking to comply with this requirement, that vehicle operators could provide to Transport Canada.
Members should continue to take the necessary steps to comply by the compliance date of January 12, 2018. Please contact your suppliers to identify the automatic engine air intake shut-off device(s) that you require.
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For questions or more information, please contact: