NS: Nova Scotia Releases Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulations

In 2016, the province of Nova Scotia endorsed the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, which included a commitment to establish a cap and trade program.

As part of this process, Nova Scotia passed amendments to the Environment Act in October 2017 to enable the government to establish the cap and trade program and create supporting regulations.

On February 16, Nova Scotia announced the release of the Quantification, Reporting, and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Regulations (QRV regulations) and accompanying standards. The collection and reporting of GHG emissions supports the implementation of the province’s cap and trade program.

The QRV regulations and standards identify which types of companies must report, which GHG emissions they must report, and how to calculate and report them.

The first reports are due May 1, 2018. In future years, reports will be due June 1. Companies will have to get their data verified by a third party by September 1 every year.

The QRV regulations state that the following types of companies must report their GHG emissions and get them verified by a third party:

Further details about the new GHG emission reporting regulations, including a copy of the regulations and the standards, are available at https://climatechange.novascotia.ca/regulations.

If you have any questions, please contact John Hollett, Executive Director, Climate Change, Nova Scotia Environment, at 902-229-5494 or Jason.Hollett@novascotia.ca.