ON: Variances for Cylinder Requalification

When published in 2015, CSA B149.2 – Propane Storage and Handling Code, had been amended to remove clause 6.1.5 (c). This clause stipulated that if a cylinder in excess of 240 lbs water capacity had been protected by a dome cover, the relief valve did not have to be removed and replaced. This clause was revised as it was in conflict with the requirements for pressure-relief devices in CSA B340 – Selection and Use of Cylinders, Spheres, Tubes, and Other Containers for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, Class 2.

In April 2017, the Technical Services & Safety Authority (TSSA) issued new propane (FS-224-17) and gaseous fuels (FS-225-17) Code Adoption Document Amendments. The amendments included the adoption of CSA B149.2-15 and became effective July 1, 2017.

After discussions with the TSSA, the Canadian Propane Association (CPA) is pleased to inform Ontario members that the TSSA is open to providing a transition period to companies who would experience undue hardship if immediate compliance was imposed. Transition periods will be granted on a case-by-case basis and each company in need of a transition period should submit the variance application to the TSSA. 

Each application should include:

Applications should be emailed to fssubmissions@tssa.org

For questions or additional information, please contact Hando Kang, CPA’s Director of Regulatory Affairs at 647.881.1483 or handokang@propane.ca.