Notice – Transfer of TP 14877 to Canadian General Standards Board

Transport Canada has signed an agreement with the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) to return the TP 14877 standard to a National Standard of Canada under the CGSB (CAN/CGSB-43.147). The intent is to publish the new CAN/CGSB 43.147 standard by the end of March 2020.

The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Directorate recently published the updated Transport Canada Standard TP 14877, Containers for Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail (January 2018). The standard covers large means of containment used in the handling, offering for transport and transport of dangerous goods by rail:

The 2018 standard will come into force when the regulatory amendment Regulations Amending the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (Containers for Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail) will be approved for publication in the Canada Gazette, Part II.

The CGSB is currently working on reconstituting the membership of its technical committee, the CGSB Committee on Tank Cars for the Transport of Dangerous Goods, which is developing the CGSB standard. If your organization is interested in participating in this work, please email Robert Long at by July 27, 2018.

Please note that the CGSB must keep the voting membership of the CGSB Committee to a reasonable size to be both productive and representative of the balance of interests of the various categories in accordance with the accreditation requirements it is obligated to follow. While not every organization may be granted voting status privileges, full participation in the standard development process will be provided to all that apply. CGSB retains the authority to determine membership status and may make adjustments to maintain the balance of the various membership categories to satisfy CGSB’s requirements as an accredited standards development organization within Canada’s standards development system.