UPDATE – ON: TSSA signals changes in its programs and fee structure

On November 20, 2020, Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) President and CEO, Bonnie Rose, provided an update to stakeholders on the regulator’s progress in implementing its modernization initiative.

Rose’s message highlighted new programs, fee structure and schedules that industry can expect to see over the next year as the TSSA becomes an outcome-based regulator.

Her report also included progress made in programs that have already rolled out. For example, results from the new Compliance Support and Heating Contractor Audit programs show that participant organizations’ risk scores for their devices have decreased by at least 50 per cent.

Rose reported that compliance standards have been implemented in the propane cylinder exchange, tanker truck, fuel oil distributor and heating contractor programs. Similar compliance standards will be developed for all programs with a focus on escalators, pipelines and ski lifts in 2021.

She also updated industry partners on the authority’s upgraded IT platform, processes and billing methods. The Boilers and Pressure Vessels (BPV) Program will be the first to use the new platform in 2021, which includes a portal to automate BPV renewals and certificates of inspection. It will also allow for centralized BPV inspection bookings.

Fee collection will also be streamlined under the TSSA’s new business model. Beginning in spring 2021, customers should expect to receive fewer, separate invoices and have predictable annual fees. Key changes include: 

Fees for exams and certificate holders such as mechanics and technicians will continue to be billed in the same way. The new fee structure was presented to Propane Advisory Council (PAC) members in 2020 and was revised by TSSA based on input provided. Members may review the new fee structure online and learn more in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section on the TSSA website.

Ontario Government Relations Director, Marcelline Riddell, will continue to participate on the PAC and advise members of any new initiatives impacting the Ontario industry related to the TSSA’s modernization activities.