CPA/PTI welcomes new Director of Training

The CPA is pleased to announce that François Foucault has joined the CPA Team as Director of Training. He will be working with VP Regulatory Affairs and Safety Robert Loenhart to ensure our training material meets the industry’s highest quality standards and complies with Canada’s Codes and Standards.

François holds a bachelor's degree in Industrial Relations. He worked for several years in the airline industry as a trainer and airline pilot.

Over the course of his career, François has had the opportunity to set up several training programs, ensuring their follow-up in accordance with current standards and regulations. For example, he developed and provided training on the transport of dangerous goods, including the many regulatory aspects surrounding this type of operation. He also contributed to a complete overhaul of a technical training program to align with the more diverse needs of new employees and the new technologies available. He developed and implemented a safety management system that involved a significant culture change and subsequently trained staff within the company. Finally, he updated several training programs according to new government regulations and had the opportunity, at the same time, to deepen his andragogical and communication skills as a trainer.

François' responsibilities include planning, designing, writing and reviewing various training materials as well as ensuring that all existing courses are up-to-date based on technical accuracy and quality of the learning experience. He will also coordinate the development of both online learning videos and in-person training materials as well as contributing to the evaluation of the performance of trainers and training programs.

Welcome, François!