As of February 5, 2021, PTI and some provincial governments will have extended training certifications post expiry date. See the table below.
The CPA has also created a letter which could be carried by a propane worker whose PTI training certification is expired, to provide additional assurances that said employee can continue to perform his or her functions despite having an expired PTI certificate. The letter should be carried by an employee who is unable to attend a training session to recertify due to the current situation. As a reminder, the training certificate, even expired, must be carried by the employee to support this additional letter.
The PDF and letter can also be found here on the CPA Website under the Trainer tab section. For any questions, please contact Bruce Leslie at
British Columbia
BC agreed to allow employees to continue to perform their duties on an interim basis for three months post expiry date as long as social distancing rules are in place. |
Alberta has renewed extended re-certification exemption for 120 days to May 28, 2021. |
Manitoba does not oversee or track renewals of certificate. PTI is extending certificates for three months post expiry date as long as social distancing rules are in place. The province agrees to recognize PTI’s decision. |
Saskatchewan | Technical Safety Saskatchewan indicated that considering PTI is extending certificates for three months post expiry date as long as social distancing rules are in place, they agree to recognize PTI’s decision. |
Ontario | The Technical Standards and Safety Authority has agreed to extend Record of Training certificates until further notice. They have noted however, that online training for the theoretical component should be pursued if it is available. |
Québec | The province does not oversee or track these renewals of certificates. PTI is extending certificates for three months post expiry date as long as social distancing rules are in place. |
New-Brunswick | New Brunswick does not oversee or track renewals of certificates. PTI is extending certificates for three months post expiry date as long as social distancing rules are in place. |
Nova Scotia | The province does not oversee or track these renewals of certificates. PTI is extending certificates for three months post expiry date as long as social distancing rules are in place. |
Prince Edward Island | The province does not oversee or track these renewals of certificates. PTI is extending certificates for three months post expiry date as long as social distancing rules are in place. |
Newfoundland and Labrador | The province has indicated that the training for must be conducted in accordance with provincial COVID-19 protocols and an extension of re-certification will not be granted. |