NEW – SK: Revised Gas Inspection Act and Regulations

A number of responsibilities have transferred from SaskPower to the Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan (TSASK) over the past few years to provide a single point of contact for permitting, inspections and licensing of safety related services. This transference of activities in addition to other updates necessitated changes to the Gas Inspections Act and Gas Inspections Regulations.    

Since 2010, TSASK has administered boiler, pressure vessel, elevator and amusement ride safety and as of August 2020, has administered gas and electrical licensing. Most recently, on February 1, 2021 gas and electrical inspections transferred from SaskPower to TSASK

The act was also updated to provide more effective enforcement.  Administrative penalties and discipline orders can now be assessed against a person for any contravention of the act or regulations or for failure to comply with an order pursuant to the act. 

Copies of CSA current editions may be purchased directly from the CSA website.  The Saskatchewan Codes of Practice for 2020 gas codes are available on the TSASK website.   

TSASK has also released Gas Inspections Bulletin #01-2021 Revised Gas Inspections Act and Regulations, which includes information about these changes and other modifications concerning gas safety in Saskatchewan. They include:

For any questions regarding Saskatchewan’s bulletin, please email TSASK at