UPDATE – Federal: CPA pushing for cylinder requalification changes to code and TDG regulations

On April 29, 2021, the CPA announced that a bulletin was being created by Transport Canada to inform inspectors to not continue verifying if distributors were providing a copy of the cylinder requalification document to new owners of a purchased container. (See previous story: UPDATE – Federal: A win for CPA members! Transport Canada set to no longer require cylinder requalification document). Members were concerned that consumers would not know to keep the document for the life of the cylinder in addition to this requirement not providing any added safety. 

While Transport Canada continues to work towards providing a bulletin to inspectors, a docket introduced by the CPA, with input provided by the CPA Regulatory Affairs (RA) Committee, was submitted and discussed at the CSA B339 committee meeting to push for changes to both the code and TDG regulations.

The CSA B339 committee also agreed that this issue should be further examined, and a Task Force has since been created to discuss changes to these requirements. The Task Force’s first meeting is slated for late May.

The CPA feels these are definitive steps in the right direction and will continue to keep members informed on any progress.