UDPATE – Federal:The fight to maintain Line 5 continues

The fight to keep Line 5 running continues. The CPA has been working with many other stakeholders to maintain this critical infrastructure. In addition to participating in national public awareness campaigns, the CPA has also communicated with governments at various levels in Canada and the United States, as well as appeared before a House of Commons Committee studying Canada-U.S. Relations, testifying that for CPA members and for the millions of Canadians who depend on propane in their daily lives, the idea of shutting down Line 5 is a non-starter.

On May 11, 2021, Natural Resources Canada filed an amicus curiae brief regarding Line 5 in a United States federal court to formally oppose Michigan Governor Whitmer’s effort.

In a statement upon the release of the brief, the Honourable Seamus O’Regan Jr., Minister of Natural Resources, said: “Line 5 is a vital piece of infrastructure for Canada and the United States and has safely operated at the Straits of Mackinac for 68 years. It remains the safest, most efficient way to transport fuel to refineries and markets and is a reliable source of energy…” To read the statement and the amicus curiae, please click here.

While much has been made in the media of the May 12 deadline for the operation of Line 5, the CPA believes the pipeline will in fact continue operations and there will be an eventual resolution to the current impasse that will ensure the continuation of the safe, efficient and economical transportation of energy via Line 5 for decades to come.

Our message remains clear:  Canada’s propane industry will continue to provide this critical source of energy to our customers from coast to coast.

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