Regulatory Affairs
September 13, 2018

Every year, federal inspectors attend the Transport Canada (TC) Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Road Blitz, being held this year September 17-21. Federal inspectors attend the TDG Road Blitz for one week to support provincial/territorial inspectors by providing additional subject matter expertise in relation to TDG by road. 

Cowan Insurance Group
Northridge Electric
PTI - Propane Training Institute

Free Access to CSA Standards

The Canadian Standards Association’s (CSA) Technical Committee on Cylinders, Spheres, and Tubes for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods has published new editions of standards CSA B339, CSA B340, CSA B341 and CSA B342. In accordance with Section 1.3.2 of the TDG Regulations, these newly published standards come into force on December 31, 2018, however, members may begin transitioning to these new standards at any time before this date. 

The CPA holds a number of Equivalency Certificates on behalf of its members and are available on the CPA websiteThe terms and conditions of each Equivalency Certificate must be adhered to at all times. 

Ongoing Consultation & Updates

As part of its Regulatory Modernization Initiative, the Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) has launched consultations on rail-related regulations and guidance materials. The CTA invites affected stakeholders to share their views to ensure that the CTA's rail-related regulations and guidance materials are relevant, clear and up-to-date.

As part of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) Brake Safety Week taking place September 16-22, CVSA-certified enforcement personnel will conduct roadside inspections on commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) to identify and remove CMVs with critical brake violations from roadways and to call attention to the dangers of faulty brake systems.

CPA Committee Updates

Date: September 18
Time: 2:00pm ET
Email to join this committee.

Date: September 19
Time: 1:00 pm ET
Email to join this committee.

Click here to view the meeting package.

Date: September 20
Time: 11:00am ET
Email to join this committee.

Click here to view the meeting package.

Date: October 10

Time: TBD

Location: TBD

Date: October 30

Time: 8:30 am

Location: Four Points by Sheraton Moncton

Date: October 30

Time: 10:00 am - 2:00pm

Location: TBD

WESROC Monitoring Solutions
ValvTect Petroleum Products
Flexmaster Canada Limited
Naylor Association Solutions


26-27 - CPA Ontario Seminar & Golf Tournament